
Focused Issues are activities to consider and recommend new possibilities for design through the Good Design Award screening process.

Every year, several Focused Issues Directors are selected from About 100 Judges. We set the themes that each of us should explore through the screening process of the Good Design Award as “Focused Issues.”

Focused Issues Directors look across their domain (screening units) to see subject entries. Through the screening process, we will explore and summarize our thinking and ultimately present our ideas in the form of recommendations.

In 2024, the judging committee chair and vice-chairs will oversee the entire project as directors, along with three external expert Focused Issues Researchers.

Focused Issues Directors

Portrait - 齋藤 精一 2024

Seiichi Saito

Creative Director | Panoramatiks Principal

Born in Kanagawa in 1975, Saito began his career in New York in 2000 after graduating from Columbia University with a Master of Science degree in Advanced Architectural Design (MSAAD). He returned to Japan after being selected as an artist for Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial 2003. After working as a free-lance designer, he established Rhizomatiks Co., Ltd. (present Abstract Engine Co., Ltd.) in 2006. Leading the internal architecture department Panoramatiks, he is working as a planning and implementation advisor on a number of projects for governments and corporations. He was the Creative Advisor of Expo 2020 Dubai Japan Pavilion and the EXPO Co-creation Program Director for Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan.
Portrait - 倉本 仁 2024

Jin Kuramoto

Product Designer | Representative Director, JIN KURAMOTO STUDIO Inc.

Born in 1976. After working at a home appliance manufacturer, he established JIN KURAMOTO STUDIO in 2008. With the approach of communicating the project concept and story through a clear formative expression, he has been involved in the design development of various genres, like furniture, home appliances, eyewear, and automobiles. He is also a part-time lecturer at Kanazawa College of Art and Musashino Art University.
Portrait - 永山 祐子 2024

Yuko Nagayama

Architect | Executive Director, YUKO NAGAYAMA & ASSOCIATES

Born in 1975 in Tokyo. Completed studies at Showa Women’s University in 1998. 1998–2002, worked at Jun Aoki & Associates. Established Yuko Nagayama & Associates in 2002. Representative works: “Teshima Yokoo House,” “Central Garden – Goddess of The Forest,” ”JINS PARK,” “Japan pavilion for Dubai Expo,” “Tokyu Kabukicho Tower,” est. Awards received include L’Oreal Encouragement Award, JCD Design Award (2005), AR Award (2006), ARCHITECTURAL RECORD Award, Design Vanguard (2012), JIA Young Architect Award (2014), Yamanashi Cultural Prize of Architecture, JCD Design Award (2017) Silver Award, Tokyo Architecture Award (2018) Excellent Award, WAF Division Excellence Award (2022), etc. Plans are currently underway for the TOKYO TORCH project in front of Tokyo Station, the Panasonic Pavilion and the Women's Pavilion at the Osaka-Kansai International EXPO.

Focused Issues Researchers

Portrait - 太田 直樹 2024

Naoki Ota

Co-creation Partner | New Stories Ltd. CEO

Until 2014, he was a management member of Boston Consulting, overseeing the Technology Group in Asia. From 2015 to 17, he was an assistant to the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, working on digital strategy and regional development. In 2018, he launched New Stories Ltd. to create future value leveraging his expertise and network. He helps to create communities that leverage technology.
Portrait - 中村 寛 2024

Yutaka Nakamura

Anthropologist | Tama Art University Professor / Atelier Anthropology LLC CEO / KESIKI Inc. Design Anthropologist

Yutaka Nakamura is a cultural anthropologist, CEO at Atelier Anthropology, an anthropology-based design firm, and full-time professor at Center for Liberal Arts and Sciences, Tama Art University. He also teaches at different universities and is a contributing researcher at Transtechnology Research at University of Plymouth, UK. Trained in the field of cultural anthropology, Yutaka has conducted his fieldwork among African-American Muslim communities in Harlem, New York. His new project that engages in the cultural expressions and movements in the socio-cultural “margins” both in the US and Japan. More recently he started to collaborate with design firms and corporations to implement social changes and redesigning. His research topics include violence, social pain and suffering, cultural expressions and social design to cope with many forms of violence. His recent publications include: Walking the Margins of America: Anthropology on Journey [Amerika no Shuen wo Aruku: Tabisuru Jinruigaku], Heibonsya, 2021 [in Japanese]; Harlem Reverberated: Voices of Muslims on the Street], Editorial Republica, 2015 [in Japanese], and others.
Portrait - 林 亜季 2024

Aki Hayashi

Editor / business executive | Representative Director and CEO of Brand Journalism, Inc / Editor-in-Chief of the business magazine "Ambitions"

Joined Asahi Shimbun as a reporter in 2009. Appointed Chief Creative Director of HuffPost Japan in 2017. Became Web Editor-in-Chief of Forbes JAPAN in 2018. Joined AlphaDrive Co., Ltd. in 2020, serving as Executive Officer and Editor-in-Chief, as well as Director of NewsPicks for Business. Founded Brand Journalism Co., Ltd. in 2022 and became its CEO. Also serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the business media Ambitions.


Good Design Award is operated by Japan Institute of Design Promotion.

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