After winning the award

1Receive certificate2Apply for G Mark usage3Order PR goods4Attend award ceremony5Receive yearbook

1 Receive certificate

Each awarded work is presented with a certificate. The organizer arranges delivery via EMS to the address registered in the applicant's account information on the Entry Site after the award announcement date. In addition, the presentation is based on the entry, not on the winner. The winner can order a duplicate certificate through the Entry Site.

2 Apply for G Mark usage

Winners can apply for a license to use G Mark for their awarded works. Please refer to the "G Mark Usage Regulations". The winner can use the G Mark for free during the award promotion period from the award announcement date to the final date of the GOOD DESIGN EXHIBITION.

How to download the G Mark logo data

After logging in to the Entry Site, follow the instructions on the "Use G Mark" page and download it yourself.

How to apply for the G Mark usage

Please refer to "Use G Mark".

3 Order PR goods

Winners can order PR goods through the page "Buy PR Goods" on the Entry Site. And the winners do not need to apply for the G Mark usage to use the PR goods. Please refer to "PR goods".

4 Attend award ceremony

During the GOOD DESIGN EXHIBITION, the organizers also hold an award ceremony where the winners are invited to gather and provide the winners with the opportunity to interact with other winners and jury members.

5 Receive yearbook

GOOD DESIGN AWARD YEARBOOK is released in March of the following year, and each awarded work is presented with a book. The organizer arranges EMS delivery at the end of March according to the address of the winner registered in the account information on the Entry Site.

*The presentation is based on the entry, not on the winner.


Good Design Award is operated by Japan Institute of Design Promotion.

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