GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2024 results
Message from Organizer
Portrait - 深野 弘行 2024
Japan Institute of Design Promotion |President and CEO
深野 弘行


We are proud to announce that the 2024 winners of the GOOD DESIGN AWARD, the GOOD DESIGN BEST 100, as well as other special awards including the GOLD AWARD, have now been selected. We offer our heartfelt congratulations to all the winners.

This year, we received over 5,700 entries, almost matching the record number we had in 2021. With environmental crises and great technological advances bringing about rapid change, design is showing us a new era with values that differ from those of the past. Perhaps that is what led to the high number of entries we received.

Designing involves empathizing and discussing with others repeatedly, discerning the essence of what is needed, making improvements, and creating together. Designs that showed empathy in a variety of fields were once again selected this year through a judging process that focused on the best aspects of each work. I have the utmost respect for everyone involved in these excellent designs. I also express my sincere gratitude to the 101 members of the Judging Committee, including Chair Seiichi Saito, who worked tirelessly to examine each submission.

We will now begin selecting the winners of the GOOD DESIGN GRAND AWARD. In previous years, winners for this award were selected through votes cast by the Judging Committee, the recipients of other awards, and members of the public who visited the GOOD DESIGN AWARD EXHIBITION. This year, we are changing the format, and the Judging Committee and the recipients of other awards will vote for the GRAND AWARD winners from among the GOLD AWARD recipients. We are also launching a new initiative this year called Our Favorite G Mark, where all visitors to the exhibition are asked to vote for the best design among the GOLD AWARD winners. We are very interested to see how members of the public view the designs. We will announce the results (along with the GRAND AWARD winners) at the awards ceremony. We hope you are as excited as we are!

The highlights for this year's GOOD DESIGN AWARD will be the Awards Exhibition, which will be held from November 1st to 5th, and the Awards Ceremony, which will be held on November 5th. Please be on the lookout for further information.

Message from Chairperson
Portrait - 齋藤 精一 2024
GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2024 |Chairperson
齋藤 精一


First of all, I would like to thank all the applicants for applying for the GOOD DESIGN AWARD this year. Congratulations to all GOOD DESIGN AWARD winners. This year, we could encounter many wonderful designs once again. Under the 2024 theme “Brave Attitude, Organic Design,” we discovered many endeavors combining products and processes and a new trend in various entries. During the screening process for this award, entries are normally examined in units classified into categories. However, this year, we had more opportunities to discuss and examine entries in a cross-sectional and multi-angled manner, resulting in meticulous screening. Through the screening and discussions, I particularly felt that we could evaluate many designs created with organic thoughts and production that started from a single person’s enthusiasm turning into a courageous act and leading to further courageous actions of an organization and team. For example, switle BODY SWB-1000JP, a portable shower device for nursing care, was designed to shorten shower time by listening to the voices of and issues faced by nursing staff. This is a courageous idea that cannot easily be achieved with a marketing-driven mindset. This product is a successful example achieved by the mobility and organic mindset that only startups have. On the other hand, Adastra, a semiconductor manufacturing system, and FPA-1200NZ2C, a nanoimprint lithography semiconductor manufacturing system, are examples of design dominated by large enterprises. These products achieved good design by combining an outstandingly beautiful body and the strength to innovate the format in the industry by taking a courageous new approach to the process and technology of developing semiconductors. PLUG MAGAZINE is a regional magazine started as an individual initiative. Under the philosophy “Make Okayama cool,” this magazine has been published while maintaining high quality for 20 years as an effort to connect people of different generations, positions, and categories and designed to be a medium necessary in today’s community where the magazine industry is diminishing. I myself have been thinking, “What is design?” There are various interpretations: creating beautiful products; solving social problems; improving society, communities, and our lives; and driving force for further development of industries and products. These are all correct. But perhaps, what design is expected to do now is make courageous, organic changes and continue to think and discuss in order to improve current situations. This is what I thought while I was examining this year’s entries. Of course, design of products and processes can be produced by trained people, but at the same time, anyone can participate in such activities (designs). Good design can surely evolve further by producing design, continuing to use the design as a tool, and improving together. During this year’s screening, I could fully understand that good design originates in a single person’s enthusiastic idea and courage. I hope you will think about “Brave Attitude, Organic Design” which surely exist within yourself through this year’s awarded works.

Message from Vice Chairperson
Portrait - 倉本 仁 2024
GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2024 |Vice Chairperson
倉本 仁


Congratulations to all this year’s GOOD DESIGN AWARD winners. This year, we had many entries from various fields and encountered many resourceful proposals for the future and wonderful designs. This year’s results clearly show that the domain of design is becoming increasingly diverse and playing an important role in addressing social issues of all sizes. Facing today’s urgent demand to address sustainability and environmental issues, sustainable manufacturing is shifting its focus from the old proposal phase to establishing basic principles of design for social implementation. Today, long-lasting products and services reducing resource waste as well as designs adopting environmentally friendly materials and manufacturing processes are commonplace. This year, we saw a number of products that combine cutting-edge technological innovation and design. There is a need for human-centered design and careful consideration to improve the quality of life to be taken up in design, and for it to be in better harmony with research and development. Social inclusion and diversity are also important factors. We also saw proposals for inclusive thought that broadened the perspective to include social minorities, non-human animals and plants, and the natural environment, and brilliant recommendations for working on these issues with the community as a whole. The circumstances surrounding modern society are not always bright. However, I cannot help but feel hopeful that major challenges will be gradually unraveled by the collective efforts of teams, companies, and communities as a whole, as well as the courageous breakthroughs of designers. All of the designs are a result of such backgrounds. I hope you will see this year’s awarded works from this perspective and find new discoveries and interests.

Message from Vice Chairperson
Portrait - 永山 祐子 2024
GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2024 |Vice Chairperson
永山 祐子


When this year’s GOOD DESIGN AWARD application period started open, I wrote the message “Beyond the Power of Design.” This year’s theme is “Brave Attitude, Organic Design,” which is based on the entries collected under last year’s theme “Design with Outcomes,” the trends of the awarded works, and future directions. In 2024, we had a large number of entries, and about 100 jury members deliberated carefully through the first screening, second screening, and special awards screening, examining the works under the filter of “Brave Attitude, Organic Design.” During the course of screening, I reaffirmed that the power of design was expanding in various ways. The products and processes debate has been going on for several years. Now, the boundary between products and processes has almost disappeared, and this year’s highly evaluated entries have both. Product designs are created based on concrete scenarios and efforts, and processes exist to support products. The GOOD DESIGN AWARD honors design that enhances the development of industry and quality of life. But now, Japan’s industry itself is shifting its focus from “products” to services and “processes.” In addition, people’s lifestyles are changing to new community styles such as working from home, multiple residences, and the aging society. Local and global issues of society are diversifying into various sizes. Naturally, the “Power of Design” is heading in various directions. Last year, I strongly felt that the recent GOOD DESIGN AWARD, compared to the world’s other design awards, is characterized by a detailed perspective that focuses on local and micro issues. This year, of course, we saw many entries like this. But what particularly caught my eye was how the scope of designs expanded beyond that. Some works started from small local issues but they eventually turned into a big movement that influenced the government. Through this year’s screening, I realized that design is a communication tool and wondered how far we can spread our ideas through design.


Good Design Award is operated by Japan Institute of Design Promotion.