
Who can apply?

Applicants can be either the business owners of the entries or the design contractors.
Business owners of the entries are producers and sellers of products, owners of building facilities, providers of software and media, providers of service businesses, organizers of businesses and events, organizers of development and research, etc., who are responsible for the works.
Design contractors are the contractors involved in the design, production, and development of the entries, architects, design offices, individual designers, etc.
If there are multiple business owners and design contractors involved in the entries, joint applications are possible.

Can multiple companies and groups apply together? If so, what procedures should be followed?

If there are multiple business owners and design contractors, a joint application can be made. For example, if 3 companies apply jointly, each of the 3 companies must be registered as an applicant, and the "Application Confirmation Form" submitted must have the seals or signatures of all 3 companies.
The applicants will become the winners after getting the award. The winner's company name, representative's name, and position will be recorded on the certificate. Please make sure to register the correct and complete information before the entry deadline.
In cases such as "joint design development", "sharing of design rights", "OEM relationship", "sales company different from manufacturing company" etc., it is recommended to apply together (joint application). There is no limit to the number of applicants.
The organizer will not accept any additional applicants or changes in the information of the applicants/winners for any reason after the award announcement.

Do I have to register the applicant and the business owner? What is the difference between the two?

The applicants will become the winners after getting the award. The winner's company name, representative's name, and position will be recorded on the certificate and website. They can also apply for G Mark usage. Information registered in the "Business owner" will only be recorded on the website, not in the certificate. Please make sure to register the correct and complete information before the entry deadline.
For example, if a manufacturer applies for its product, both the "Applicant" and the "Business owner" are asked to register the name of the manufacturer.
If a manufacturer and a design company that designs its product jointly apply, the "Applicant" is asked to register the name of the manufacturer and the design company, and the "Business owner" is asked to register the name of the manufacturer.

Can a company responsible for product design apply?

Design contractors who provide design services can apply either jointly with the business owners of the entries, or individually. In the case of individual application, the design contractors must obtain prior consent from the business owners. Since the applicant will become the winner after getting the award, the organizer recommends selecting the joint application.

Can an individual who is not a company or group apply?

If the applicant is an individual having the main responsibility in providing the entry, he/she can apply. If applying as an individual, please register "company" as "individual".

Is it necessary to enter the name of the person in charge of the company in the "Representative" field when registering as an applicant?

The organizer lists the name of the company and the name and title of the representative registered in the "Representative" section of the certificate.
For this reason, it is recommended that a person with the rank of a corporate officer of the company be registered as a "representative". However, it is possible to register other titles at the discretion of the applicant.

Is it possible to submit a joint application with the head office and the branch office as separate applicants?

It is not possible to register the same company under "Applicant" on the entry site.
If several different companies wish to be recognized as applicants, they may choose to apply as joint application.

Can the business owner of the entry be listed as the winner on the certificate after winning the award?

The winners of the certificates are companies and individuals registered in the "Applicant" section of the entry site. Companies and individuals registered as "business owners" are not listed on the certificate, but are listed on the official website.
Applicant: Be listed on the certificate and website, and can apply for the G Mark usage.
Business Owner: only be listed on the website, not on the certificate.

Can I set up applicants for each entry?

Applicants can be set for each entry.
For example, Company A and Company B can be set as the applicants for Entry 1; Company C can be set as the applicant for Entry 2, and so on.
Please set up an association between the applicant and the entry through the entry site.


Good Design Award is operated by Japan Institute of Design Promotion.

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