What kind of work can be applied for?

Industrial products such as home appliances, housing and construction, software, services, and systems, as well as initiatives, activities for local creation, and business models…All designs, whether tangible or intangible, are eligible for the GOOD DESIGN AWARD.
Please confirm the Eligibility for the current year when applying.

What kind of designs win awards?

The organizer makes information on all past awarded works publicly available.
Please refer to gallery
As the word of design and its roles penetrate and the importance of design to society grows, GOOD DESIGN AWARD has witnessed an increasingly broader range of subject entries and applicants.

What are the benefits of getting the award?

The award value of the GOOD DESIGN AWARD is mainly the promotional activities that can be carried out using the G Mark after winning the award. Recently, there has been an increase in the number of activities to further enhance the image of a company by actively promoting the award.
In particular, awarded SMEs have reported to us that they have "established trading relationships with major department stores","opened up a market among OEMs", "made it easier to obtain bank financing", "easier to recruit employees", "improved status in the region and industry" and so on.
In addition, awarded companies can obtain third-party evaluations of their design and development. Many companies use this to judge whether their development is going well, to evaluate individuals and design departments, and to promote the award as a result within the company.

What are the effects of "G Mark"?

"G Mark" logo is proof of winning the GOOD DESIGN AWARD. Many awarded companies are using its logo in sales promotion activity. A recent survey shows that the recognition rate of G Mark (in Japan market) reached approximately 80%. It indicates that products with G Mark logo are comprehensively accepted as high-quality, attractive, and easy-to-use products. Also, there is a tendency that people to have an image that a G Mark awarded company is having "good sense and credibility".
In the "Effectiveness of the G Mark in Product Purchase Situations" market survey to date, nearly half of the consumers who knew about the G Mark said they would choose a product with the G Mark. This means that products with the G Mark are more likely to be chosen in comparison to their counterparts.

What kind of help can I get after winning the award?

The organizer helps to increase publicity opportunities for the awarded works through various award promotion activities such as GOOD DESIGN EXHIBITION.
In addition, the organizer provides support services to strengthen the relationship between the awarded works and the general public through planning sales events at commercial facilities, promotional activities such as sales events of the awarded products in cooperation with retailers, and overseas exhibitions of the awarded works.

Is it difficult to win the GOOD DESIGN AWARD?

For companies that are just starting their design development, it can be difficult to get the GOOD DESIGN AWARD. However, the GOOD DESIGN AWARD is a comprehensive judgment of the entries from multiple perspectives such as significance and value, quality and technology. Therefore, if you are developing products that are meaningful to users and society, we suggest you apply.

Can I win the award for the first time?

Each year many winners apply for the first time. In recent years, 40% of the winners are first-time applicants.

What is the positioning and definition of GRAND AWARD, GOLD AWARD, and other special awards?

The GOOD DESIGN AWARD is determined by the Judging Committee through the 1st and 2nd screenings, and the 100 most highly rated entries are selected as the GOOD DESIGN BEST100, and the GOOD DESIGN GOLD AWARD and GOOD FOCUS AWARD are selected from the BEST100. The jury numbers, award winners and others will vote together to elect the GOOD DESIGN GRAND AWARD from the GOOD DESIGN GOLD AWARD.
For definitions of the awards, please refer to Principal Implementation Regulations

What is "Focused Issues"?

GOOD DESIGN AWARD carries out screenings and also explores issues and possibilities for a new society. Focused Issues is a program that identifies important areas that design needs to address today.
To explore these issues in depth, the Focused Issues directors looked at the entries across the screening units and discussed their possibilities for the future of society and the role and meaning of design, and then made recommendations on the relevant issues and possibilities for the future from the perspective of each focus and issue.

The work I am planning to apply for does not correspond to the theme of "Focused Issues". Will this hurt the screening?

Entries that are not related to the relevant "Focused Issues" will not be judged negatively. It is also possible that new "Focused Issues" may be established through discussion during the screening process.


Good Design Award is operated by Japan Institute of Design Promotion.

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